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Generate Liquid From CSV

{{Liquid code will output here}}

Generate Liquid From CSV Help

This tool will take in a CSV file and generate Liquid code to provide translations for international communications.

  1. Click the Select a file button
  2. Upload a valid CSV file
    • The sheet must have "context" as cell A1, followed by lower case two-character language codes in the top row
    • Fill in the rest of the rows with the contexts and translations
    • If the translations are for an email, there must be both a "subject" and "preheader" context in the CSV
    • Use this example CSV file as a starter template if needed
  3. Select an option for Email or In-App Message
  4. Click the Translate button
  5. Liquid code for the translations will be outputted
  6. Click the Copy button to copy the code to your clipboard