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Test Session Email Addresses

Create Test Users

Saved Users

    Saved Results

    Test Session Email Addresses Help

    This tool is used for managing test users, copying their email addresses (to enter into Braze), and saving their addresses as assigned to certain campaigns.

    Edit View

    1. Click the Edit users button
      • Use the form to enter the name and email address(es) of a new test user
        • Click the Add another email button if there is more than one email assigned to the user
    2. Click the Save user button to save the new user
    3. Click the Import users button to import users from a JSON file
    4. Click the Export users button to export the current users as a JSON file
      • This is a great way to save your user list permanently, as the data normally held in your browser is vulnerable to local storage clearing
    5. You can delete any existing users by clicking the trash icon next to their name in the edit view
    6. Click Done to return to the select view

    Select View

    1. Use the checkboxes to select users
    2. Selected users' email addresses will display in the textarea
    3. Enter an additional email address in the Additional address input and click Submit to save a custom address
      • This is useful for unique emails, like those tied to specific Slack channels
      • You may add as many custom addresses using this method as needed
    4. Click the Copy button to copy the currently displayed addresses to your clipboard
    5. Fill out the Campaign name input and click Save to save the currently selected addresses
      • Your saved selections will appear below
      • These saved selections will have options to Copy, Recall, and Delete